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Telling People About Myself-01/16/2018

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My Career and Education PowerPoint -03/07/2018
Occupational Skills- Typing: F&J; 4&7 Progress

f and j

4 and 7

Occupational Skills- Typing: Shift keys

Occupational Skills- Typing Progress: #19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Occupational Skills- Typing Progress: A & ;

Snap Meetings
4th Quarter

Final Typing WPM

05/4/2018 - Line Art

05/11/2018 - My First Resume

05/15/2018 - Face Illusion

05/18/2018 - On the Cover

In real life, this assignment would be used by professional designers when creating magazine covers for well known magazines. This would be used in offices where people create magazines. This would be because it's their job. I have seen this project from professional magazines on magazine stands and online.
5/25/2018 - Typography: Personal Invitation

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